Monday, July 7, 2008

Spirit of Ubuntu,is it a reality?

Recently i have been going throgh a psychological aftermath of an invicible war of thoughts. As i sat there outside under the cloud rather blanket of evil,a question hit me hard and i kind of lost self control which is impossible,why you ask? Because i have come to learn that being smart makes one smarter. We have seen,heard and read irresponsible ande nigligent statements from our so called Leaders. Don't get me twisted,i dont have anything againsts these "dirty players " ,politicians!! But how can somebody who is meant to lead a sane nation go on public platforms and say "we are ready to kill',who is this we? I am out,are you wityh him? Killing is inhuman,we just trying to raise our bowwed heads after the animosity innitiated on fellow africans"xenophobia attacks" thats what they called it!! Archbishop Desmond Tutu was so disgusted by these events such that he even told people that,the word UBUNTU must never again mentioned if we cant define or rather spell it with our actions or doings!! Back to the "killer to be" ,who is going to fight and let alone kill and for what and why? thank you to those who take time to read my silence,advice to you please take this ignorance or negligence by the "them" and turn it into a filer for a rogh path that you trod or are about to trod

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