Monday, August 11, 2008

Isn't it strange........??

Isn't it strange that things don't become the way we wish or dream they could be. I mean things just happen and maybe its really true that life is unfair. Then why there was the word fairness when it exists in something thats not fair.

I remember i once dated this other lady which the name is known to me and will not disclose it to anyone. Reason being i have to protect her dignity and intergrity.

I knew she love me,and there was nothing that could make me or anyone doubt that but i couldn't love her back. I am sure she could see it too,i tried to force my self to love her but still i failed. that was one time ever in life that i had to take a bow and aknowledge that am a failure and had failed undoubtedly.

Now don't mind the little story above the thing i want to talk or ask you about is why can't we love those who really love us. Instead those whom we chose to love they dont love us as we do or atleast enough to fit the description of a true love affair.

Chances are very high that when you love you partner more than any word,phrase or cliche can tell then he is not even close to be called somebody inlove worse of all with you. Again somebody tell me why can't those we love atleast return the love than crumble us with nothing but tones of hurt and hardcore pain?

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