Tuesday, August 5, 2008

What rights...we do have them too

There great masterpiece architect William Shakespeare once said, life is but a walking shadow ,a poor player who struts and frets his hour upon the stage and is heard no more. It is a story told by an idiot full of sound and fury signifying nothing. Well i do agree with him but i think some people too are just walking shadows of nothing. I mean before one opens their mouth to speak they should first call a discussion in their upstairs which shoould pit all their brains and senses.

how can somebody make noise and disturb other students and when politely request to save his/her acostics for the right moment the person stands up with unshunned confidence and i have the right to talk and make noise. Yes we know that you do have rights but i mean really we too have rights. Thats why i say whenever speaking your mind is a habbit then adopt another habbit which is listening to somebody's mind too. Reciprocals,thats what i am talking about...speak more and be prepared to listen more. If you don't want your rights to be violated the please i am pleading with you please don't infringe our rights to by making us listen to you loud sounding nothing. Sometime you even wish those people could be like subscription televisions and definately you woul not pay for such channels.

if you were the so called 'nasty type',you might end up find yourself having said something as: Dude you shopuld consider doing a transplant,coz those brains that you undoubtedly have but hardly use will be of greater use to somebody who needs them becuase to you there are surplus to requirements. So be good samaritan and give to charity those brains that are craving to work and you withholding them.

Thats insulting right? Well who do you blame,the insulted or the insulter? Tell me what you want my next blog to be about.....help me raise the volume of this silence!!


Anonymous said...

it is true what you saying, listen to others and the'll also listen to what you want to say. i guess what we people do is if a person always voices his/her view we turn to undermine what they have to say. voice your view but also in making your voice head try not to insult the next person.

Anonymous said...

ha,clyde who you talking about.reveal names and stop using suspense.we know you can seriously play with them words,

clyde slyde said...

Anonymous i can't give names because the list is endless but you can also do it,i know you do get irrate at times because these people who are very loud with the issue of their rights hardly remember that we too have rights which must be respected in return of their equal respect to ours